here is the small print
Food Lovers Website is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and links to Amazon. As part of this Amazon Associates Program, Food Lovers Website will post customised links, provided by Amazon, to track the referrals to their website. This program utilises cookies to track visits for the purposes of assigning commission on these sales.
We only choose products that are relevant to our article or research and products that we have often tried ourselves or was recommended to us. Your purchase cost will be the same whether you are arriving at Amazon by clicking on the recommended link or independently. If you do use our link, we get a tiny commission from the sale, which helps us to carry on writing our recipes, researching and keeping up Food Lovers Website.
Food Lovers Website may engage in other affiliate marketing, which is done by embedding tracking links into the website. If you click on a link for an affiliate partnership, a cookie will be placed on your browser to track any sales for purposes of commissions.